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more talented

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A successful press hinges on athleticism and effort, and the tactic can be used to out-hustle a more talented opponent.

But Elvis was a lot more talented, and his hips were far more revolutionary.

Maybe you think acting as if success comes easy makes you seem more talented.

I quickly came to realize the more talented the artist, the more secure.

He may be more talented at all of these things than the many, far more experienced people working for him.

The more talented prophets became authors—composed the poems, recorded the history, and wrote the religious works of the Hebrews.

There was not apparently in all the world a man better informed, more talented, or upright.

Mr. Webb was a clear-headed, and a much more talented man than his brother magistrate.

The more talented of the Shoka young women show much ingenuity in carpet or rather rug making.

The Prince of Conde is equally ambitious, even more grasping, and much more talented.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


