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more qualified

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They are already infinitely more qualified to have that debate than we are.

And as he sees it they were scarcely more qualified than he was to lead a group of green soldiers into battle.

So there are expressions about the unthinkable loss of her from legions more qualified than I to offer an opinion.

Does running the Olympics make you more qualified to be president than…being president?

Remember, all of the top schools have far more qualified applicants than they can handle.

The man was not more qualified for the task he undertook than he would have been for any scientific position in the expedition.

This it is which makes me wish to see you more qualified than common.

As for trusting to French charts, they were of no use, being more qualified to mislead vessels than to guide them.

Six or more qualified persons may form a "Settlement Association" and apply for holdings in one block.

No one is more qualified than you to do this, after your brilliant conduct in the Bois de Belleau.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


