more pleasing
adjective as in welcome, nice
adjective as in nice
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
Here the balance between Miles and everyone else is much more pleasing, and the sound generally is richer and more layered.
Light-colored clothing is more pleasing to the eye and enlivens the spirit.
Built of red sandstone, rich with sculptures and of graceful and harmonious architecture, there are few cathedrals more pleasing.
It is architecturally more pleasing and its windows are among the finest examples of antique stained glass in the Kingdom.
Results from Trencher's standpoint could hardly have been more pleasing.
It is not so continuous a narrative as Butzbach's, but the picture that it gives is rather more pleasing.
It produces a polish more perfect, and more pleasing than that which is received from a general commerce with the world.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.