more inclusive
adjective as in all-encompassing, all-embracing
Example Sentences
But IBC is also a fair bit more inclusive in its definition of war casualties.
Now comes the hard part: How to convince media outlets to be more inclusive when it comes to Muslim-Americans?
To succeed, the South Sudan peace process must become much more inclusive.
But is this really a change that moves away from women as pure sex objects and towards a more inclusive view of sexuality?
Some liberal activists say their best hope is to pressure Morsi into creating a more inclusive government.
The wiser and the more inclusive we become, the more we take just the spirit of a thing, and leave the bulk and weight behind.
That may mean more or less—A fiend could not have planned a more inclusive revenge.
Mrs. Venables held it, and her eyes grew still more inclusive in their regret.
Such is the life that becomes ever more inclusive, and hence larger in its scope and influence.
Nothing seems less within the possibility of our own keeping, yet nothing is more inclusive of all other keeping.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.