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more curious

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There's a being far more curious to the world of ‘Magic: The Gathering’ than dragons, angels, or merfolk: female players.

But there's a being far more curious to the world of Magic: The Gathering than dragons, angels, or merfolk: female players.

I was more curious how Sullivan learned so much guitar, so fast.

I am a better writer for having fewer demons, and I am more curious about the world and the people in it.

This is a simple snack with tremendous seasoning and flavor sure to entice an eater who is more curious about taste than quantity.

The longer we laid there the more curious did I become as to what line of action MacRae purposed to follow.

A more curious creature they had seldom seen, even in the Land of Oz, where curious creatures abound.

Jacinth, more and more curious, took the letters which Frances gave her, and began to read them eagerly.

And what makes it the more curious, she had been over here twenty years, and of course, spoke English quite properly.

There are few things in mythology that are more curious than the subject of the miraculous formation of certain individuals.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


