more egotistic
adjective as in thinking very highly of oneself
Weak matches
- affected
- aloof
- autocratic
- boastful
- boasting
- bragging
- conceited
- egocentric
- egomaniacal
- haughty
- individualistic
- inflated
- inner-directed
- intimate
- intrinsic
- introverted
- isolated
- narcissistic
- obsessive
- opinionated
- personal
- pompous
- prideful
- proud
- puffed up
- self-absorbed
- self-admiring
- self-centered
- self-important
- snobbish
- stuck on oneself
- stuck-up
- subjective
- superior
- swollen
- vain
- vainglorious
adjective as in conceited
Weak matches
- affected
- aloof
- autocratic
- boastful
- boasting
- bragging
- conceited
- egocentric
- egoistical
- egomaniacal
- egotistical
- haughty
- idiosyncratic
- inborn
- individualistic
- inflated
- ingrained
- inherent
- inner-directed
- intimate
- intrinsic
- introverted
- isolated
- narcissistic
- obsessive
- opinionated
- personal
- pompous
- prideful
- proud
- puffed up
- self-absorbed
- self-admiring
- self-centered
- self-important
- snobbish
- stuck-up
- subjective
- superior
- swollen
- vain
- vainglorious
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Example Sentences
As one gets older one is more difficult to please: but the sting of pleasure is even keener than in youth and far more egotistic.
From Project Gutenberg
After Amory returned to college he received several letters from Monsignor which gave him more egotistic food for consumption.
From Project Gutenberg
With her it is always less ideal, more personal, more egotistic than with Terry.
From Project Gutenberg
They need not have been more egotistic than the “Roundabout Papers.”
From Project Gutenberg
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.