noun as in suspension
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It also doesn’t weigh in on the merits of the technology or whether there should be a global moratorium.
That’s putting nearly 10 million households below the poverty line at risk, according to Carbon Switch, a home energy efficiency firm that analyzed unemployment insurance claims in states without a shut-off moratorium.
Microsoft, Amazon and IBM have all announced discontinuations or moratoriums of their face recognition products.
He issued a shelter-in-place order and two executive orders on evictions after that, including one on March 27 that he described as an eviction moratorium.
Landlords can’t charge fees, penalties or interest on any unpaid rents accrued during the moratorium.
It was the moment that led Ryan to order a moratorium on the death penalty in Illinois.
In 2011, Illinois extended the moratorium begun under Governor Ryan into a full ban on capital punishment.
His Democratic challenger, Tom Wolf, has promised to issue a moratorium on executions if elected.
Most Pennsylvanians now support a moratorium on capital punishment until its efficacy can be determined.
Alongside Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking, he founded the Moratorium Campaign, an anti-death penalty effort.
With the end of the moratorium on November 4, it may be said that the crisis produced by the outbreak of war was over.
The first break in the pattern of nuclear testing came in 1958, when the nuclear powers agreed to a 1-year test moratorium.
But the moratorium was necessary, and he hoped it would lead to a very different Amending Bill.
An amusing incident arising out of the moratorium came to light in the course of a lawsuit.
In France the moratorium and immunity from taxation gave a fillip to recklessness.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.