mixed blessing
noun as in a good and bad situation
Weak matches
Example Sentences
For the residents of Colonia Nueva Esperanza, in the meantime, the new warehouse is a mixed blessing where only time will tell if it’s actually helping one of Tijuana’s most impoverished areas and the workers inside, or the company’s bottomline.
He continues to shoulder the mixed blessing of becoming a late-in-life action hero, making it look like no work at all.
Pop culture may be a crucial tool in effecting change, but for oppressed groups and their respective liberation movements, mainstream representation is often a mixed blessing.
The 15% Pledge is a mixed blessing, Lizzo covers Vogue, and we get a refresher on allyship.
The identity of the Taliban leader reportedly killed in the drone strike—Wali-ur Rehman—is another mixed blessing.
Not every Palin-powered primary candidate won, and her backing may be a mixed blessing in a general election.
Of course, the support of a governor with a job approval rating south of 30 percent is, at best, a mixed blessing.
It was often a very mixed blessing when you were out sailing with him.
Vanessa began to arrive at the conclusion that a husband who added a roving disposition to a settled income was a mixed blessing.
I knew that association with you people would prove to be a mixed blessing.
That he and his brother had originally elected to come into this system along its orbital plane had been a mixed blessing.
If the furniture factory was a mixed blessing, what of the cannery?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.