minor detail
noun as in minutiae
Strongest match
Strong matches
Example Sentences
And the failure to reckon with that question will make the injustice of paying dues for partisan speech look like a minor detail.
For those watching in person, his show of annoyance seemed a minor detail, not part of the debate itself.
This minor detail has not prevented U.S. senators from demanding an investigation.
I asked, not with any desire to know this minor detail, but because I was too disturbed for the moment to make any other comment.
The general principle of union was adopted, but in every minor detail there was an actual tendency to independence.
The methods of holding the pieces in place vary somewhat in minor detail.
Observe in almost every example shown how the form of the same letter constantly varies in some minor detail.
Experience had taught her to govern him in all essential points by giving way to him afterward on all points of minor detail.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.