
View definitions for mechanized


adjective as in automated

adjective as in automatic

adjective as in motorized

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With its screen raised, it looked more than anything else like a mechanized bathtub.

World War I mechanized war on a scale never before possible—a whole array of new weapons was developed.

Chicago was the center of meatpacking, railroads, and mechanized agriculture, the flagships of industrial capitalism.

Highly mechanized farming has for decades depended on fossil fuel and chemicals.

Oh, yes, did I forget to mention the mechanized conveyer belt?

Perhaps our mechanized civilization is going to the dogs; as Scriven suspects and you and maybe I myself.

And ringed around her at a safe distance was what seemed to be a small mechanized army corps.

The industry is highly mechanized and has virtually eliminated hand labor.

Highly mechanized activity tends as Emerson said to turn men into spiders and needles.

In every adult life, a large number of these mechanized responses are absolutely essential to efficiency.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


