noun as in computer
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noun as in data processor
noun as in personal computer
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noun as in raincoat
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Example Sentences
Otherwise, our deals roundup includes the lowest price we've seen to date on the entry-level model of Apple's newest Mac mini, which comes equipped with the company's powerful M1 chip.
While this is a great pick for Windows users, it will work with Mac and other operating systems.
How to reset macOSApple’s computers now use iCloud as much as its phones, so a lot of your Mac applications are probably backing themselves up automatically already.
You can play using GeForce Now on any PC or Mac, as well as on devices like Android and iOS smartphones and Nvidia’s Shield TV streaming dongle.
The switch marks the second major change to the silicon powering Apple’s Mac lineup, the first occurring in 2005 when the company ditched PowerPC processors for Intel guts.
With Mac and Jesse we wanted to establish a friendship that was mostly a product of their common situation and enclosed world.
Brute is the story of Mac and Jesse, two disenfranchised teens who turn to robbing houses as a form of recreation and quick cash.
Fewer and fewer of them, says Mac Naughton, are caught roaming the store “in the middle of the night.”
I remember them coming over all adorable with mac and cheese, collard greens, fried chicken.
As with AIG, the government essentially bailed out the financial system by bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
When we were mounted Mac leaned over and muttered an admonitory word for Piegan's ear alone.
If Mac had been alone he would have made the post by sundown, for the Mounted Police rode picked horses, the best money could buy.
After a bit of waiting, Mac decided that the smoke was floating from a certain direction, and we began to edge carefully that way.
One or two of the buffalo-hunters exchanged words with us while Mac was building his cigarette and lighting it.
When we got down into the bottom Mac turned aside to the deep-worn trail and glanced sharply down at the ruts.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.