

View definitions for lost ground

lost ground

verb as in suffer loss or disadvantage

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There was some small sliver of hope that Democrats could regain some lost ground in 2016 with Hillary Clinton on the ballot.

At the same time, Democrats lost ground, now maintaining unilateral control in just six states, down from 11 before the midterms.

That labor heyday lasted through the 1950s, but starting in the late 1960s labor lost ground.

If Congress has lost ground to the president, it has never been for want of legal authority.

Meantime, Rousseff has begun to regain lost ground, her popularity rising to 36 percent in early August.

He laboured, indeed, not the less—without pause or rest; but as the work advanced, the workman himself lost ground.

Phillips and Sampson met with heavy losses, but struggled on in the hope of recovering lost ground.

He held the end of the rope, but had been carried several yards down-stream, and the lost ground must be regained.

Wolfenden was now three down, and with all the stimulus of a strong opponent he set himself to recover lost ground.

The triumph is accorded for victories which enlarged the territory, but not for those which only recovered lost ground.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


