

View definitions for locking up

locking up

noun as in imprisonment

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Locking up the primary breadwinner can push a family from working-class to impoverished.

Torrey has himself borne witness to the locking up of the mentally ill, and he paints a grim picture of the scene.

Reducing crime on the streets is not about locking up more people for longer.

The Daily Beast reported that locking up HIV patients is “inhumane”.

The Long, Lawless Ride of Sheriff Joe Joe Hagan, Rolling Stone Locking up the innocent.

We put away the cups and plates, and went through our nightly ceremony of locking up.

In any transfer of land there is no locking up of capital, because one man receives exactly the amount the other expends.

Poor Madame Ingres, dropping with sleep, used to be driven to locking up the piano and sending us off to our respective beds.

After locking up, he thought carefully about what Uncle Ingemar had said.

To us it means the locking up of our vast forests that they may go to decay or become the prey of the fire king.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


