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Other elements can affect domestic terrorism, so I factored into my analysis each country’s political system, its gross domestic product per capita, its population size, its degree of ethnic and linguistic diversity and its level of media freedom.

In the linguistic world where a debate still sizzles over whether the world’s languages are generated by individual cultures or built on a similar foundation, Adger stands firmly on the latter side.

I found linguistic evidence of racecraft throughout 63 public-facing documents that I collected and analyzed from Airbnb, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, all issued between May 26 and June 24 of this year.

Many philosophers, both past and present, have pointed to our linguistic abilities.

Many types of birds, most famously parrots, are able to make noises that at least sound linguistic, and gorillas and chimpanzees have been taught to communicate using sign language.

In the cases of Yazidis from Sinjar, the contracting firm is L-3, which later became GLS or Global Linguistic Solutions.

It is a linguistic wish for the same kind of campaign that catapulted Barack Obama forward from the caucuses.

And this linguistic difference means concrete battles over autism.

Here in Odessa, the conflict has nothing to do with a linguistic divide.

Nugent's recent slur against Obama is just one among many of the raging, aging rock star's linguistic stylings.

His scholarly and linguistic attainments and his varied travels, fitted him well for the task.

This comparison is made from the linguistic point of view; it is not likely that any one will compare the two as poets.

His linguistic cleverness was a fair specimen of his general quickness of intellect.

This specimen of Bellini's conversation is sufficient to show that his linguistic accomplishments were very limited.

Nor can far-reaching conclusions be drawn from the scanty linguistic evidence at our disposal.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


