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To be fair, this is one of the least-insulting comparisons Watters could have made.

The Mosel region is arguably the most storied, least-understood wine region in the world.

He has one of the least-lined faces of anyone I have ever met.

The New York/New Jersey/Long Island metropolitan region is the fourth-least-equal U.S. metro region, according to one study.

When you're among the least-prepared students in the class, you're likely to struggle.

I assure you I am very sorry for critics all round,they are the least-regarded and worst-rewarded of all the literary community.

These eight little volumes will always remain Borrow's least-read books.

On Alaska alone, the least-known section of the Pacific coast, there is a bibliographical list of four thousand.

So far Maui had the luck which so commonly attends the youngest and least-considered child in folklore and mythology.

Least-wise, he would rot in a sewer near a busy bus stop replete with all the dronings of archaic feet.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


