last shot
noun as in swan song
Example Sentences
But now she is the Spanish monarchy's last shot at redemption.
So you were really, actually exhausted in that last shot where he collapses on the ground?
If we start shooting, we must be prepared to fire the last shot.
Republicans realize that he might be their last shot in a state that is down to two GOP congressmen from 13 a decade ago.
But her men stuck grimly to their guns, and fired their last shot just as she sank out of sight.
The two men who had stood to their posts knelt grim and desperate, and Lannion's last shot took effect.
He turned to Barney with a last shot; he could not leave the gloating Barney Palmer his unalloyed triumph.
Thats about your last shot, said one of the men grimly, and next instant a hollow triple report boomed out131 from deep below.
And then, extending the revolver that carried the last shot, she had fired straight into the dead face of Ten Euyck.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.