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Informers kept the NKVD secret police abreast of what those who defended him said in private conversation.

He was living in a Fascist-controlled country that was infiltrated by thousands of Nazi agents and informers.

Nuzzi says that he wishes his informers could take some credit for their bravery.

The first, The Informers, was selected in Colombia as one of the most important works of the last 25 years.

Optimally, some of the bad guys can be turned into police informers or spies.

The curates in many cases became mere spies and Government informers.

At Police Headquarters more than one man was kept busy listening to the idle tales of a crowd of would-be informers.

Here the reader will naturally ask, "Of what did these informers accuse him?"

How low he must have fallen, since the common informers disdained to associate with him!

More tragic even was the punishment meted out to the Jewish informers who betrayed their people to the enemy.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


