noun as in theory
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Whatever the FBI says, the truthers will create alternative hypotheses that try to challenge the ‘official story.’
These agents were trained to solve cases, not test hypotheses.
The whole point of deriving predictions in science is to test models, hypotheses, theories.
Three individuals whose fervent belief in their inventions, hypotheses, and God led them to take chances others might not.
But if we reward only those who generate interesting results, rather than interesting hypotheses, we are asking for trouble.
But the letter was safe enough; not the least likely to come into dangerous hands, in spite of Chloe's absurd hypotheses.
Of the laws and hypotheses concerning gases, the one that is perhaps of most importance to chemistry is Avogadro's hypothesis.
According to the foregoing remarks, hypotheses are invented to enable the Deductive Method to be earlier applied to phenomena.
Such were the different false hypotheses which Kepler made respecting the law of the refraction of light.
Like all sceptical hypotheses, it is logically tenable, but uninteresting.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.