

View definitions for hydrant


noun as in water supply

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They tapped nearby hydrants, and in search of additional water headed to the foot of Wall Street to break through the East River’s ice and pump more.

From Time

Then, the community of people asking questions expanded like the spray from an open fire hydrant.

From Time

The station pulled the video off its website, but one cannot put the water back in the hydrant.

From Time

Non-natural stimuli in this case would be parametric stimuli like oriented bars, while natural would include both the savanna as well as something human-made like a hydrant.

Some punk city kids crack open a fire hydrant and are playing in its spray.

The water deepened quickly and was almost covering a fire hydrant within 100 yards.

The Fire Hydrant: Starting on all fours, I lifted my leg like a dog relieving himself, and then extended that leg behind me.

Shoeless, he ran into the car and barreled out of the driveway before careening off a fire hydrant and then smashing into a tree.

Yes, you will still have TMZ on your front lawn (or camped out by the broken fire hydrant).

He stopped at a hydrant and washed the mud off the elephants' legs and gave 'em an extra feed.

At the hydrant on one side stood a fire-engine blowing off its useless steam.

If waterworks are handy, connect the boiler with a hydrant and after filling the boiler, let it receive the hydrant pressure.

He crossed the fire lines, found his way to the engine captain near the main hydrant.

The fat seemed to make them thirsty; they had to go to the hydrant to wash it down with cold water.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


