noun as in speed in action, motion
verb as in act, move speedily
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Once Gollum drags off his catch, Bilbo hurries to retrieve the ring, putting it in his pocket for safe keeping.
Strauss is in the courtyard giving advice to a student who hurries off with his files when I arrive.
She is like a canary bird; when others begin to speak, she hurries in her remarks, in an accompaniment.
Several jurymen leave their seats, but the district attorney hurries forward, and whispers to them.
But he's getting fond of it these last twelve months, and though he don't take very much it hurries him and flurries him.
Mrs. Parlin hurries the children down stairs, and out of the house, under their grandmother's protection.
For patriotism, like courage, is infectious; and it is a poor heart that hurries to abandon a sinking ship.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.