adverb as in without hope
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adverb as in giving small ground for hope
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One can see an assignation end hopelessly, another can see it freighted with possibility.
The wild-eyed young man had hopelessly tangled hair and wore rumpled baby-blue scrubs.
You realize the person's become hopelessly senile, a fact you have to forgive if you ever want to enjoy your time with them.
But this 1929 study of the modern world, his most famous book, struck me as hopelessly nostalgic and elitist.
She fell hopelessly in love with Lake Baikal—and this love caused all of her troubles.
In the later half of the campaign of 1806 he hopelessly failed to make any headway against the Russians east of the Vistula.
"But it was n't a lie," Punch would begin, charging into a laboured explanation that landed him more hopelessly in the mire.
Fortunately he did not live long enough after his brother hopelessly to embitter his daughter's youth.
And so the Portsmouth Road was kept open in that wild winter, while most of the main roads in England were hopelessly snowed up.
It would be the just man immolating himself uselessly and hopelessly for his country.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.