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Maintaining the high caliber of guest to which his viewers have become accustomed, Galifianakis welcomes Brad Pitt to the ferns.

As the equation typically goes, those castings can add up to a glossy book filled with high-caliber images.

“A really powerful, high-caliber woman, when it comes to her personal life, she should make it as private as possible,” she says.

In 2009, Eli appeared on Top Chef: Las Vegas and finished strongly among a formidable cast of high-caliber chefs.

Overall, as should be expected from the high-caliber cast, the acting was fabulous.

He was very high caliber, a very fine man, and he had a very fine position.

She is—you cannot express it, Mr. Rankin—but not of a character of a high caliber.

A man must have acquired a minimum of 30 points from winning medals in certain specified high-caliber matches.

Would the high caliber of the earlier group of couples be sustained?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


