heavy heart
noun as in sad heart
Example Sentences
With a heavy heart, I called the clinic myself to set up the appointment.
He says that he offers his recommendation with a heavy heart and with nothing but good wishes for the Israeli state.
Even following willful retreats and Israeli military losses, it was with a heavy heart that I gave my book its grim title.
So it is with a heavy heart that colleges come begging their alumni for cash, and their pleas will be compelling.
Leo rose up with a very heavy heart, and he and the girl together went to and fro among men; their new fear of death behind them.
It was, however, of no use drawing back now, and with a heavy heart she commenced her journey.
Dorothy felt very wretched, and set about churning that evening with a heavy heart.
With a heavy heart he set out for the Blackwater, and began building a fort there.
When evening came, and with its brooding shadows the company dispersed, our hero returned home with a heavy heart.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.