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On the day that the jury began its deliberations, Tupac and some hangers-on headed for a Manhattan recording studio.

The hangers-on immediately complied, but Tupac refused and was shot three times before he was relieved of his jewelry.

Veterans particularly deserve to know when emperors and their hangers-on from both sides of the aisle have no clothes.

To be sure, she had favored some pretty dubious friends and hangers-on over her own family.

But now, her wealth and finery fled,Her hangers-on cut short all; The doctors found, when she was dead—Her last disorder mortal.

But their sons shoot, and their daughters hunt, and all their hangers-on would be against it.

The hangers-on expected grave professional debate, and perhaps a little free doctoring.

Meantime the hangers-on and the beggars pressed upon the gentry, anxious to hear.

Minor parts were given to stage-carpenters and other hangers-on, who probably did not understand what it all meant.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


