

View definitions for half-cocked


adjective as in dilettante

adjective as in premature

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But here again, Perry is not the half-cocked yahoo his critics assume.

Today at last those half-cocked plans of revival have resulted in some worthy 21st-century developments.

We stood at a rest in the line, with guns half-cocked and bayonets fixed, momentarily awaiting the appearance of the foe.

You are told this much of the truth so that you won't go off half-cocked with a fine collection of rather dangerous untruths.

The burghers gazed at it for a time in silent awe, as a wary housewife does at a gun, fearful it may go off half-cocked.

Tempers will go off half-cocked even among men of good habit.

Thoroughness is the way of duty, rather than a speed which goes off half-cocked.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


