noun as in swindler
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Example Sentences
A lack of gatekeepers is broadly a good thing, but it also leaves the door open to grifters.
Meanwhile, back in India, the situation worsens with more new cases and grifters exploiting the situation.
Many of the personalities who ran these shows were poor business executives, and a few were flat-out grifters.
By the 1990s, he’d fallen in with grifters who “branded” him with companies whose business models percolated between accidental and overt fraud.
Which means that every Republican, no matter their true inclinations, winds up acting like the grifters and nutbars who keep winning seats in deeply red districts.
To most of the world, billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted sex offender and a financial grifter.
Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) is a grifter and a wingnut, but is he possibly a felon too?
After a lifetime being raised by and working alongside his grifter father, Bob decides he wants out.
Of course, Bernard Madoff makes Mr. Ponzi look like a nickel-and-dime grifter.
In the story, she was christened “The Hipster Grifter,” because she preyed upon skinny-jeaned Williamsburg sorts.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.