adjective as in political
Example Sentences
There is little government oversight of company claims about environmental impact.
At the time, the government told the justices they should decide for themselves the “significant separation of powers” issues raised in the case.
There will probably be enough vaccine for 25 million to 30 million people a month in early 2021, according to Moncef Slaoui, chief scientific adviser of Operation Warp Speed, the federal government initiative to speed up vaccine development.
The District government has historically brought in law enforcement officers from across the country as reinforcement during the inauguration — a tradition complicated this year by the pandemic.
On Tuesday, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and five other institutions announced they would close Friday for six weeks because of changes in government directives.
You need to build the system and run the sport as a governmental responsibility.
It languishes on what is known as the gray list overseen by the Financial Action Task Force, an inter-governmental body.
It will also take a concerted effort by Muslim, governmental, and other community leaders working together to counter extremism.
There had been British governmental discussions that the islands could be leased back to Argentina.
I fear the latter, given the draconian governmental measures over a single case, but time will tell.
It was strenuously opposed by all possible means, governmental, legislative, and literary.
It was resigned to the Spanish governmental system of spoliation, and no one thought of reforms.
Governmental care of the unemployed, the infant and the infirm, sounds like a chapter in socialism.
The people on the eastern side have always strongly opposed anything approaching governmental cohesion with the other side.
Certainly they have “injured this stone” by carving upon it the Governmental “broad arrow.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.