interjection as in gosh
Weak matches
interjection as in whew
noun as in interjection
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
Sure, her gee-golly choreography is unbearable cute, but watch her eyes.
In its golly-gosh sincerity, the Dunham ad, by contrast, helps to remind young women that they are empowered sexual beings.
"Gotta appeal to independents, but my gosh golly gumsticks, I can't offend the base..." So what happened next?
And Yahoo above all reminds us just how unromantic and unforgiving the golly-gee world of new technology is.
He was humble and patient, an earnest man simply trying, by golly, to do his level best for others.
If dat preacher goes to run a bar agin me,” he says, “py golly, I makes no more moneys!
"Golly, but she's a gold dollar in a gold bank," remarked Jesse Bulrush warmly as he lurched into the street.
"By golly, I wouldn't go and feel that foolish again, not if yuh paid me for it," Slim declared.
"By golly, I want t' have a talk with that there broncho-tamer," Slim growled behind them.
"He didn't need no field glass to see you was a suspicious character, by golly," chortled Slim.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.