noun as in insert
Strong matches
Example Sentences
It works for both programmatic and direct-sold campaigns, which Insider calls insertion orders, and currently one-third of the company’s advertising revenue comes from its data platform.
Through dynamic number insertion, visitor level tracking, and reviewing their client’s call recordings, WebServ was able to parse out which keywords were generating low- and high-quality leads.
Further, the streaming TV market’s fast adoption rates and improvements in real-time, dynamic ad insertion allow advertisers to ride the viral wave.
They are using these tools to create and build a streaming TV strategy, monetize channels with dynamic ad insertion technology and opt for syndicated distribution to easily reach tens of millions of new viewers.
This reflects all the spelling variations, typos, insertions and deletions sprinkled through the human instruction book.
Not only did the insertion work, the extra base pair was kept by offspring of the original bacterium.
And the insertion of technology into clothes raises a host of potential problems: what if you outgrow the shirt?
Worst of all would be the insertion of U.S. conventional forces in large numbers.
I thought it was this interesting way of creating this insertion to the architecture of his own book.
Top kill, robots, container domes, riser insertion tubes, and now back to more robots.
The only addition made to it when in use is the insertion of a quill or straw as a mouth-piece.
There is a degree of evenness and keenness of cutting and clean insertion beyond which it is not possible to go.
Nor does the insertion of the wrong date avoid the note in the hands of a regular subsequent holder.
But the insertion by the payee of the words "interest" after the making of a note by authority of maker will not vitiate it.
The insertion of whyte in l. 905, in the existing authorities, is surely a blunder, and I therefore have omitted it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.