

View definitions for frozen food

frozen food

noun as in convenience food

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Upon appears in the new promotional video that the Nestlé, the company behind the frozen food product, debuted on Monday.

She taught ballroom dancing to the blind and deaf, and even worked as a food processor at a frozen-food factory.

Canned food, frozen food, and then 10 years later you get the “I hate to cook” book.

The natives run the smelters; use the heat to thaw frozen food for themselves and their livestock while they're melting the ore.

While one man cut the frozen food into chunks, the rest of us armed with cudgels beat back the animals.

"I know it's a frozen food age but I still prefer my meat and vegetables fresh," Mrs. Martin often said.

We had made a run of fifty miles, halting to eat our frozen food only once.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


