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Forty-five KLAC listeners withdrew their pledges in protest at his remarks.

Forty-five minutes were estimated to have elapsed from the time the stabbing began until the killer left.

Forty-five relatives, all women and children, were taken by ISIS fighters in Qiniyeh.

There are two back-to-back forty-five-minute segments without commercials.

Forty-five year-old Boris Aseyev, a web designer, was one of the civilians wounded on February 20.

At the age of forty-five Monte Irvin was not ill-looking, and, indeed, was sometimes spoken of as handsome.

The sails might have been seen in motion forty or forty-five years ago, and probably corn was then ground there.

If, after all efforts, no fluid is obtained, another test-meal should be given and withdrawn in forty-five minutes.

Soon the whole of the Prussian army, forty-five thousand strong, was engaged in the attempt to crush the small French force.

I am due to attend at twelve-forty-five in the state temple, where we sanctify some new idol.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


