
View definitions for fortuitously


adjective as in accidentally

adverb as in luckily

adverb as in unexpectedly

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Thousands of years ago, Saudi Arabia fortuitously sat in the middle of the raging incense trade.

Leive apparently asked the President about women's health issues -- and this was fortuitously all pre-Todd Akin brouhaha.

Fortuitously, all these local efforts also yield global benefits.

Among them was the fortuitously named Edward L. True, a 28-year-old independent contractor and a Ron Paul supporter.

Later, in 1996, Perry turned a quick $38,000 profit thanks to a fortuitously timed investment in Kinetic Concepts stock.

It is increasingly difficult to claim them as individual variations which have been preserved fortuitously.

His real estate venture was one of the most fortuitously unlucky things he had ever heard of.

We have many promising varieties that have appeared more or less fortuitously here and there over the country.

It was while casting about for the chief instrument that he fortuitously met Espinosa in the streets of Madrigal.

Mr. Thorn was personally a general favourite, but not conspicuously fit for the position which he had fortuitously attained.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


