

View definitions for footpad


noun as in brigand

noun as in highwayman

noun as in road agent

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Its plan is to simply sell NASA whatever dirt accumulates on its lander’s footpads, and it’s under no obligation to bring the regolith back to Earth.

What if a footpad started sinking into the moondust, or the Eagle sprung a leak?

I had not seen a European for more than two years, and I looked myself like a Tibetan footpad.

Others, assuming higher ground, resented silent boot as taking unfair advantage of the burglar or footpad.

"Your age hath taught you but little wisdom, if it hath taught you that I am a footpad," I said.

We won't shoot the bison, no matter what happens; he's like a gentleman assailed by a footpad.

A footpad had attacked him the night before, taken him by the throat and robbed him, leaving him half-dead in the road.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


