adjective as in absconded
Strong match
Example Sentences
The gunman then burst from the restaurant and fled down the street with the other man.
They carjacked a Renault Clio, took the car, and fled with it.
Alpha Team was killed, Faal told the FBI, while the Bravo members who were not gunned down fled.
His latest target has been Hajji Hassan, a Baluch drug lord who fled Iran and settled in Turbat in 2000.
Vlad Burlutskiy is a civic and political activist from Russia who fled the country last year due to increasing threats.
These residents then killed the parish priest, and without arms fled for safety to the mountain ravines.
He took Judy by the hand, and the two fled hatless in the direction of the sound of the sea.
So precipitously had the guerrillas fled that except the severely wounded, few prisoners were taken.
Firing a random volley, those that lived turned and fled, pursued by the scouts.
All the princes are fled together, and are bound hard: all that were found, are bound together, they are fled far off.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.