adjective as in restlessly moving
Example Sentences
During virtual learning, Hammond would take her daughter outside for a break whenever she became fidgety.
In spirit, Martinie’s video is most akin to Alexander Fingrutd’s “Press Pound to Connect,” a fidgety collage of old-movie scenes involving telephones.
Usually, I get fidgety during credit sequences, but not here.
And yet, when it comes time to recite these prayers in synagogue, they still get fidgety.
He was fidgety, furrow-faced, almost entirely unsmiling, and largely inarticulate.
When the short-skirted, gossamer clad nymphs made their appearance on the stage they became restless and fidgety.
People began to get fidgety, and started petitioning their representatives in government to Do Something.
I was so fidgety that time I sent on Camilla Harper's letter to you, though it wasn't anything like as important.'
Kulman became anxious and fidgety, especially when, looking down the stairs, he saw some Turks in the hall.
Then, too, there was not so much likelihood of his getting the clothes off, should he get restless or fidgety.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.