verb as in blow up
verb as in discredit
Strongest match
Weak match
Example Sentences
This led to the formation of a Christian militant group to counter the rebels, and all-out sectarian violence exploded.
Woods were shredded, the earth trembled and the ground exploded in showers of stone and red-hot metal splinters.
Pratt, of course, just exploded with Guardians of the Galaxy and the upcoming lead in Jurassic World.
SuicideGirls launched in September 2001, and by December, the site had exploded, and was featured on Nightline.
Russia's bloggersphere exploded with private investigations.
While they were talking another shell entered the small apartment, exploded, and filled the air with dust and stifling fumes.
Blazing blobs of light exploded within his brain, and then the total blackness of unconsciousness funneled down upon his brain.
On July 30, 1864 the mine was exploded, and the shape of the area after the explosion resembled a huge crater of a volcano.
When the old Ptolemaic system was exploded by Copernicus, the vaunted wisdom of men proclaimed that the Bible also was exploded.
Just the same, that bit you exploded—about the person who killed Carmack didn't hate him at all—you meant that, Beardsley!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.