noun as in nice way of saying something
Example Sentences
And no, I did not make up these euphemisms, and yes, someone should study why there are so many fish-related ones.
Come with me through 117 pages of euphemisms, bureaucracy, and mayhem.
The PA also continues to articulate euphemisms for the destruction of Israel.
Then people started using it as an insult, so we invented a raft of new euphemisms, like "special needs".
You will often hear people who ought to know better dress up Ryan's savage economic priorities with euphemisms.
This is pretty strong; and "sophistry" and "time-serving" are only euphemisms for lying in preaching and practice.
Reference has been made to the euphemisms in use among all peoples to avoid pronouncing the name of the devil.
A bull or boar is not to be mentioned as such in mixed company, but male-brute and male-hog are used as euphemisms.
O no, Adam; we'd look out all the most graceful euphemisms in the newspapers, and we wouldn't hurt the feelings of a spider.
Hence we find such expressions as 'to go to lodge with Othin' or 'to go to Valhalla' used as euphemisms for 'to be killed.'
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.