eternal life
noun as in immortality
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Example Sentences
He stated—quite rightly—that animals are never mentioned in connection with eternal life in the Bible.
In 2008 then Pope Benedict XVI stated quite pointedly that animals are “not called to the eternal life.”
Not only was she invulnerable to bullets and clubs; she had apparently drunk the elixir of eternal life.
So our fondest hope is not for eternal life, but an end to this wheel of existence through eternal death.
On the promise of eternal life the heirs of it lay hold in Covenanting; and to this they were chosen.
If the gods did not confer eternal life, they conferred, it was supposed, temporal and worldly good.
It was not death on which I was gazing; it was life,—the dawn of immortal, of eternal life.
These multitudes are in danger of casting aside the Word of God, and missing the offer of eternal life.
How anxiously had she studied every word and phrase in it, weighing them to see if the hope of eternal life were in them!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.