adjective as in circumstantial
adjective as in green
adjective as in physical
Example Sentences
They’re happening in airports, in schools, and increasingly in retail environments like shops and restaurants.
The extended phenotype doesn’t just extend into the environment and into the minds of other species but, importantly, into the minds of members of the same species.
The goal, says Seager, was to help “plug a hole” in thinking about this environment.
They may warn about chemicals in your food, house, clothes or environment.
However, if everything about your environment stays static, there’s a strong likelihood that your good intentions won’t manifest into new behaviors.
What they believe impacts economic policy, foreign policy, education policy, environmental policy, you name it.
All other issues—racial, feminine, even environmental—need to fit around this central objective.
The island faces an environmental challenge of huge proportions.
Although tough environmental controls were put in place in 2000, enforcement has been haphazard.
It has allowed the project to bypass normal due diligence and environmental impact assessments.
Such an attitude favors an easy escape from both the labor of character building and the obligations of environmental salvation.
Those individualistic tendencies growing out of periodic changes of the environment may be called environmental instincts.
The crabs and worms conceivably are two of the environmental features inhospitable to the rats.
Therefore it is never superfluous to study the individuals environmental conditions, surroundings, all his outer influences.
The color pattern changes in the course of development, and the shade of color changes in response to environmental conditions.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.