

View definitions for encompassed


adjective as in enclosed

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Weak match

adjective as in included

adjective as in surrounded

Strongest match

Weak match

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The Adirondacks encompass a huge park of 6 million acres, as large as the state of Vermont, according to the Adirondack Council, a nonprofit group supporting the park’s ecological health.

Coronaviruses encompass a broad class of bugs which can include everything from some types of the common cold to SARS and MERS.

From Fortune

Currently, school board candidates are required to run citywide – rather in their small “sub-districts,” which only encompass smaller portions of the city – in the general election.

Investment disclosures encompass stocks bought or sold the year prior.

The Neural Filters work on Adobe’s Sensei platform, which encompasses its machine learning technology.

They encompassed diversity of many kinds, sex-worker rights, and labor rights.

They had a unified vision of conspiracy that encompassed Jews, blacks, Zionist bankers, greedy plutocrats, and Bolsheviks.

Last year, the event encompassed around 700 stores in 12 major cities around the globe.

The exceptions carved out by the court “encompassed our entire agenda.”

That critical number—the biggest pool of youngish, single men—encompassed 60% of the weighting.

Encompassed by danger though he knew that they now must be, Peter found himself possessed by one thought and one thought only.

The peasants had encompassed all the footways, though they were mostly of a mind that the Earl had made off to his ships.

The path practically encompassed ten acres, so that it 178 made quite a respectable stroll.

Five and thirty winters had been encompassed since his fall, and five and thirty years had he lived in the world.

Jericho is a plain encompassed by a mountainous district, which slopes towards it somewhat in the manner of a theatre.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


