noun as in management
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A recent U.S. study found men get a “daddy bonus” —employers seem to like men who have children and their salaries show it.
Employers—both women and men—think mothers are distracted by family duties.
As a result, the inexperienced can find themselves earning well below minimum wage, or abused by underhanded employers.
What kind of employers hire people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)?
The goal of the campaign is to convince employers that it is not charity, but in their best interests, to hire people with IDD.
The employers can then dispute it out with their working men as to how much wages shall be.
He was, as has been said, an unusually good workman, consequently his employers had no wish to part with him.
Aristide gave the order to the cabman and took the little seat in the cab facing his employers.
Contrary to her employers, she displayed much sympathy and pity for their youthful cousin, Pierrette Lorrain.
Private employers complain of scarcity and the unreliability of the unskilled labourer.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.