noun as in signature characteristic
Example Sentences
The Dallas-Fort Worth area is being targeted for the largest collective earmark request in the country, according to a detailed breakdown of overall requests released by the House Appropriations Committee.
A decade ago, Republicans vehemently opposed a stimulus package from a Democratic president, won an election by making it a focal point and then banned earmarks partly in the name of instituting fiscal responsibility.
Although earmarks might sit untouched, money sometimes can be used for its original purpose.
Congress recognized the problem in 2015, passing a provision that allows dormant earmarks more than a decade old to be reused on other nearby projects.
Last week, before Democrats had confirmed their plans, state officials gathered virtually to discuss the return of earmarks.
Despite the anti-earmark rhetoric in Congress, John Boehner still misses them.
If those things can be done, I'd happily reward every member of Congress with an earmark of his or her very own.
Does the Tea Party class know that the earmark-ban game is already over?
If earmark reform was something that the public understood well enough to hunger for, John McCain would be our president.
That sense of humor does not lessen but it lightens the gallantry and chivalry which is the earmark of Westerners.
Every earmark showed that, from the delicate scent of the paper, to the fine, even handwriting.
That little trick, for example, of beginning sentences with the word “also,” is a familiar earmark of the Kipling school.
These minor obligations do not earmark more than an hour in the day.
It wont do, she averred, but Mr. Denby has every earmark of it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.