noun as in responsibility, assignment
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in tax on foreign goods
noun as in moral obligation
Example Sentences
Employers—both women and men—think mothers are distracted by family duties.
Frias—who was arrested in 2013 for interfering with public duties and public intoxication—was not carrying a gun at the time.
The NYPD and his duties required him to miss the graduation on December 20.
The pair had argued, and the assistant ceased performing this most onerous of duties.
Instead, he sees his ethical obligations as a matter of duties to those with whom we have relationships.
All through the sad duties of the next four days Felipe was conscious of the undercurrent of this premonition.
On some future occasion I may suggest how you may successfully perform your duties in your new position.
Michael Allcroft returned to his duties, tuned for labour, full of courage, and the spirit of enterprise and action.
"Then he neglects his duties, that's all," replied the old gentleman with an indignant snort.
That is a very flimsy pretext, so that the fiscals may not perform their duties faithfully against the governor.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.