drew up
Example Sentences
But last season, Sheldon drew up a strict 31-page “Relationship Agreement” and the couple started dating on his terms.
Still, the fact that Palestinians drew up the letter suggests a deep despair among leaders in Ramallah.
The Defense Department even drew up a contingency plan for a U.S.-Egyptian attack on Libya, Gates remembers in the book.
She drew up the papers, but for months Frank kept declining to sign.
He drew up the rocker, hoisted his slippered feet on the rail, and proceeded to smoke a cigar.
She took to staring out across the grounds again, and one hand drew up slowly till it was doubled into a tight-shut little fist.
The sentinels seemed much alarmed, and drew up their carbines as if to shoot.
The invitation was accepted; and Mr. Bellamy's grand carriage drew up immediately with splash and clatter to the door.
It rolled up the street, a vast machine of wood and leather, drawn by three horses, and drew up at the door of the inn.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.