Example Sentences
Patterson here discerned mathematic proof that the others would have suffered the same fate.
The numbers fluctuate, of course, but some trends can be discerned.
Last two words are written in invisible ink but can be easily discerned if Australian law books are held over scented candles.
For all his epic incompetence, he discerned that dividing India would be disastrous.
It's not exactly the answer to the problems astutely discerned in David Brooks' column.
But sufficient can be discerned for the grasping of the idea, which seems to be a representation of the Nativity.
As yet such have not been discerned, which may be due to the fact that they have not been carefully looked for.
In the Distance she discerned a Shepherd, playing upon his pipe for the dancing of his favorite Goat.
Looking more narrowly she discerned upon the pedestal the simple exclamation, "Et mon coeur!"
Indeed there was not much to be discerned but a black moving mass, slowly coming out from under the walls of the pier.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.