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Facebook also disabled key parts of its service, such as the forwarding of messages, group recommendations and political ads, ahead of the election.

In lieu of disabling the cameras, the vendor responsible for them at the time instead simply cut off the city's network access to the devices.

They did not receive an explanation for the decision to disable their page.

My objective is to go in there with the best intentions of my life and disable my opponent, and that’s just what it is.

Although it increases security, it disables a number of key Zoom features.

From Fortune

Pathology shows us how every physical disablement of the brain is accompanied by mental processes.

In several of the boats there was not a single man who escaped either death or disablement.

Today it is easy to find a widow who has at great cost to herself in pain, danger, and disablement, borne six or eight children.

Many a poor fellow owed his death or disablement to this useless exposure.

It is well known that women in an uncivilized state suffer very little pain or disablement in bringing forth children.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


