noun as in addiction
noun as in alcoholism
Strong match
Weak matches
noun as in craving
noun as in debauchery
Strong matches
noun as in drunkenness
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in inebriation
noun as in inebriety
noun as in insobriety
Example Sentences
What compensation dipsomania gave him I know not, but that he did get some kind of wild joy I am quite sure.
I dislike to hear drunkenness called dipsomania, as I so often do; but I do not therefore say that dipsomania is only drunkenness.
Dr. Curtis did not mean by religio-mania religious appreciation; neither did he mean by dipsomania, temperate use of stimulants.
Probably, with the low cunning and fallacious reasoning of dipsomania, he had pouched her savings with that very thought in mind.
Speaking of intemperance in relation to crime, he states that: 'Brain-workers provide the most hopeless cases of dipsomania.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.