adjective as in less
adjective as in limited
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in lower
adjective as in melted
adjective as in modified
Strong matches
adjective as in reduced
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in relieved
Strong matches
adjective as in restricted
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in short
adjective as in watered-down
Weak matches
Example Sentences
He sometimes surmised that it was because he was too outspokenly identified with the diminished liberal wing of the party.
The violence continues, but on a scale diminished since when American bases and outposts dotted the province.
But it is based on the chord structure of what I played before it, except that it was based on a diminished scale.
With the right person in the right job, the need for on-the-job support is diminished.
But there is no credible data yet showing that the reach of ISIS messaging has diminished.
Diminished hydrochloric acid favors intestinal putrefaction.
Factors which favor an early deposit are high acidity, diminished urinary pigments, and excessive excretion of uric acid.
They often appear in digestive disturbances, in neurasthenia, and when the oxidizing power of the system is diminished.
In pernicious anemia they are always greatly diminished, and an increase should exclude the diagnosis of this disease.
And the rivers shall fail: the streams of the banks shall be diminished, and be dried up.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.