adjective as in enforced
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in hard-and-fast
adjective as in mandated
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
In the long run, this might end up being more feasible for the IOC than clinging to some maximalist and—let’s face it—illusory dictate of total neutrality.
Public pressure soon dictated the need for a formal White House reaction to the Iran revelation.
All of these rules grew organically from the community rather than being dictated downward by a central authority.
The remainder is “peculiar” motion: movement of galaxies as dictated by the presence of matter nearby.
I dictated a return note thanking him for the thoughtful gift and encouraging note.
Power in Washington was dictated by seniority for generations.
David Arden, as he promised, had dictated to him in outline the awful case he had massed against his client.
If we could find the one witness, the one who was present when the old man dictated his will at the last!
High reasons of State may be presumed to have dictated the Government policy.
According to Moréri there were in his day seventy systems of chronology founded on the history dictated by God himself.
How, indeed, can it be believed that God dictated false dates?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.