noun as in change, departure
Example Sentences
There is medical literature a mile long detailing our deviations and dismissals of guidelines and nationally endorsed approaches.
Little deviations in the mouse movement and trajectory were used to measure uncertainty.
The findings are important in demonstrating that homelessness can often be created by medical—as opposed to lifestyle—deviations.
But the itinerary is set long before the workers arrive in the country, with no deviations allowed.
One can debate whether those deviations were appropriate, but they were clearly deviations.
"You will discover a few deviations in the ground plan," returned Coronado, for once ironical.
Bearing this in mind, deviations—apparent or real—from the ordinary course of Gild history will cause us no surprise.
In giving anything like the spirit of the original, much greater deviations, in the written forms, must appear.
Association does not explain reasoning, only the deviations from reasoning.
"No; it was one of our men who has not followed him in all his deviations," replied Boone, still marking the notes of the hounds.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.